Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just a quick question but I'm hoping for lots of comments...

How do you balance life? Seriously - husbands, work, cleaning the house, fixing dinner, exercise, and hobbies?

I see so many people's facebooks and blogs that show art projects they've finished, meals they've cooked, etc. Everytime, I wonder how they do it - so how do you do it?

I do ok, but not as well as I like. Ideas? Suggestions?


Anonymous said...

How do we do it? We're tired all the time!! And, of course, the most important...the joy of the Lord is our strength!! And I don't do art projects, etc...don't even clean my house that much anymore!! HA!!!

mimi055 said...

I promise that no one can do it all... ALL the time. To do anything else but the most basic necessary things you must CARVE OUT time for the special creative things that can be so fulfilling. Just like you must budget money because of a finite supply, you budget time because no one has more than 24 hours in a day. A hard lesson to learn. A bit painful actually...I'm still learning it!!!

Candace said...

I'm with you... I have no idea. Some days certain things get done and other days other stuff gets done. I tell D all the time... just let me stay home and everything can be done...yea right. It's a good thought though.

Ava Grace Photography said...

I have learned to jsut let things go and not let them bother me. That is the only way things get done. I don't stress over what is not done, i am grateful for what little gets done. Running a company is a lot more stressful then I thought, especially since I work from home. I have had to learn to seperate work and home life and not do house work during "work hours." I grocery shop once, maybe twice a month if we are lucky. Dinners consist of slice and bake cookies, mac and cheese, and crackers and cheese. Laundry is done when there are absolutely no clothes left... though cleaning happens everyday. I have multiple meetings in my house each day so I have to keep it perfectly clean (at least downstairs) or I go crazy. Everything else gets hidden behind closed doors. my husband actually does most of the laundry and dishes so i guess I am relly lucky... but i am by far the furthest thing from a traditional hosuewife and my husband is perfectly ok with that. I try not to let the "perfect" wives get to me. when I see they cooked some awesome meal i don't get jealous, cause i probably hate all the ingredients in the recipe :)