Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 4: 30 Days of Insight

Day 4 (belated): What do you imagine paradise is like?

Perfection. Now my earthly paradise would involve lots of shoes (especially the adorable leopard high heels from Nine West that I really want!), Taco Bell, and going out on a boat every day!

But nothing that I can dream of for an earthly paradise could come close to the perfection, beauty, and full-out splendor of Heaven! Heaven is mansions and jewels. Heaven is a place of no tears or sorrow or pain - only joy and love. Heaven is full of people - young, old, infants, ancient Methusalah, all nations, tongues, tribes, colors, creeds - full of people who accepted the gift of salvation extended to us by God through His son Jesus. Heaven is perfection beyond what I even know yet!