Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Candace seems to be the only one reading my blog, so since she asked, here's info about my half marathon. Hopefully I'll be back to blogging regularly soon...

The race started at sunrise. Amy was my amazing race buddy and we made matching shirts. The front said "this is my first half"

The back of mine said "this is my last half" (and boy is it!!!) and Amy's said "so cheer me on (yay me!)"

There were TONS of women running! I think it was about 7,000 running all over downtown St Petersburg. It might be the most beautiful place to subject yourself to the torture of a half. :)

We finished! We did really well until about mile 10. Then Amy started really having trouble - we think she was dehydrated. I found out later that I was dehydrated as well. But we finished! It wasn't pretty and we pretty much walked the entire thing, but we finished. Can you tell I'm excited that we finished??

My medal! This is what I did it for. For the shiny bling at the end of the 13.1 miles! It has a detachable charm that I wear frequently. From now on, I'll stick with 5k's, but I can cross this off my bucket list. I'm glad I did it.


Annie said...

I read your blog!! just dont have a lot of access to the internet these days.

That's awesome for finishing!! and what a purty medal!!

Katie said...

i read your blog!! Congrats on finishing!! :)

Candace said...

Yay Rachel. I think I'd do it just for the 13.1 sticker that I could put on my car. But running for a couple of hours just doesn't seem fun. So proud of you!

Rachel said...

yay! comments and readers! I'll get back to blogging regularly soon!

Emily said...

I read regulary as well. I know how you feel though, nobody ever comments on my blog either. I'll try to be a better comment-er :) congratulations on finishing the half, I'm with candace I would do it for the sticker! :)

Anonymous said...

I read it toooo! Am sooo proud of you! your mommie

Crystal Jones said...

way to go girl. love the pics