Saturday, June 4, 2011

Please check out this video. This is one of our students, Kaila. She's a phenomenal young lady and I'm SO proud of her!!! Since the video doesn't share all the details, here they are...

Kaila is a junior in high school. In addition to her outstanding grades and extracurricular activities in ROTC, she has recently organized an amazing end-of-the-year evening for the janitor, cafeteria, and maintenance staff at her high school, Armwood. Calling it "Silent Superheros", Kaila organized, along with several other students, a night devoted entirely to honoring the "silent superheros' of Armwood. Realizing these staff members spend a lot of time cleaning up after everyone else's events, but they never have a party thrown for them, she reserved the Teacher's lounge, made signs, planned a ceremony, and worked with the Culinary students at Armwood High to make sure they had a night just for them. Kaila told the staff they could wear whatever they wanted just to be comfortable. She was surprised and excited when they all showed up in tuxs, suits, dresses, etc. Realizing that some of the staff members didnt speak or understand English very well, she worked with her Spanish teacher to get the ceremony translated into Spanish so they wouldnt miss out. Kaila placed sign-up sheets for the dinner in areas where the various janitorial, cafeteria, and maintenance staff could sign-up as well as list the number of years theyve worked at Armwood. Then, during the ceremony, she called them up by their length of service to present them a flower and thank them for being a silent superhero to the many students and faculty at the school. The flowers were artificial flowers the reason behind this was because their service never ends, they continually are there to serve Armwood. Similarly the flowers they received would never die.Kaila went back the next week and noticed that each lady in the cafeteria had their flowers attached to their station and were so excited to explain why they had them. In an age when it looks like teenagers and our entire society is focused solely on their own needs and wants, Kaila Evensen is a remarkable girl who always takes the time to notice the silent superheros and those who need extra appreciation. Once Kaila graduates next year, she hopes to attend Norwich University in Vermont, and pursue becoming a doctor with an emphasis on Pediatrics.


Mrs. W said...

That is so great!