Thursday, January 2, 2014

I saw this here and thought I'd give it a whirl:

A bad habit I'm going to break: interrupting people
A new skill I'd like to learn: distressing wood
A person I hope to be more like: Mary and sit at Jesus' feet more
A good deed I'm going to do: not quite sure, but it'll probably involve more surprise post-it notes of love for the hubs
A place I'd like to visit: I really want to do a whole trip up the New England coast
A book I'd like to read: I've tried 3 times - this year, I'd like to finally power through "One Thousand Gifts"
A letter I'm going to write: instead of one specific one, I'd like to do more handwritten thank you notes
A new food I'd like to try: quinoa
I'm going to do better at: giving my self grace, hopefully!