Friday, August 27, 2010

I want to blog about happy things. Like the new rug I got from Ikea... the picture doesn't do it justice...
And the fabric that I got to redo the throw pillows...again the colors aren't quite right - the fabrics actually coordinate very well!

But instead I find myself grieving today. Grieving alongside friends who have lost their moms and dads this weekend. I find myself praying continually for CJ, Shannon, Krystal, Brian, and Shelby. Praying that Isaiah 61:1-3 is so very real to them at this moment. My heart is heavy - not for those who have passed away. They are whole, happy, and dancing in the streets! No, my heart is heavy for my dear friends, and even for me, who don't get to party yet. It's like wanting so bad to go hear your favorite band play in a local bar, but you can't because you're underage. It doesn't seem fair.

But praise God! One day we will get to join them! We'll join in the party and rugs and fabric will be of no importance because we are in the presence of the Holy One! But for now, I mourn with these precious friends today...