Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hello, Goodbye

It's New Years Eve...I've started packing away Christmas decor, realizing that the next time we unpack it we'll once again be in a new place. That'll make 4 "homes" since we got married 3 years ago. For someone who doesn't adjust quickly to change, it's been interesting.

This year was an interesting one. We cut our possessions by half and lived in an apartment half of what our first Florida apartment was. We learned that we don't like tiny apartments. We purchased a car for Andy so we are now a two car family. We saw a dream come within our reach, and then we saw that same dream leave us...I still am working out my feelings on that. This has been a year of lots of tears, but a year full of joy as well. We're expecting our first child and couldn't be more thrilled!

This new year should be interesting too. We'll move again - our lease is up the beginning of March, and we still don't know where we're moving. We'll become parents to a living, breathing human - can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl! We'll celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day this year. I'm sure we'll have far more change than I know what to do with, but I'm excited. A new year with new highs and lows, new experiences and challenges, and definitely new adventures.

I have only 2 resolutions this year... to be the best Mom I can be and to learn to trust the Lord more fully.

Happy New Year - here's to 2012 being a fantastic year!