Friday, June 15, 2012

On one hand

**I apologize partially for the fact that my blog has become babycentric...however, if you have ever been in my shoes you will understand hopefully that it's impossible to not let the little one invade your life even before he/she arrives. Thanks for understanding

Here we are. The day I can count on one hand the number of days left until I meet my son! It's surreal and magical. It's overwhelming and exhilarating. I never thought I wanted children. I was adamant that child-rearing was not for me. I just knew that I'd be terrible at it. And then the day came that I realized my heart was changing. The day I realized that God had been shifting my heart and replacing my adamant "no kids for me" mentality with a longing for a child "someday".

I remember one day in particular that I realized how much my desires had shifted. I was sick. I had a cold and felt terrible. But I got a call from my friend, Nat. She and her parents were just an hour away and I was unbelievably homesick. I dragged myself out of bed, drove the hour to see them and spent time shopping and talking before we had to say goodbye. (In fact, I was just in that shopping plaza a week or two ago and thought back once again to that night.)It was while we were shopping, in the "Life is Good" store of all places, that I mentioned to Nat in a hushed tone that Andy and I had started talking about kids, and that I now wanted a kid. There were squeals and hugs. There was some disbelief - I mean afterall my name had been synonymous with NO KIDS! No longer.

It was still a year or so after that before Andy and I started seriously talking about a timeline of trying, etc. And then came the day that we found out we would be parents! Just 9 months ago and yet it feels like an eternity. So in 5 days, or one hand, my son will arrive.


Anonymous said...

huge smiles