Thursday, May 2, 2013

Nuts and rabbit trails

Whew! Life has been nuts! Some good but some not so great nuts. See when we moved to Chattanooga our life got way better! We're happier and see God doing some neat stuff. But we have also seen/experienced more spiritual warfare than we have maybe ever in our married life! For instance, I think I wrote ab how we became a one car family on our move up here thanks to a faulty car trailer. Well, we got money from Penske for the car, and we combined that small amount with our tax refund (thanks Reed for helping out that one!) and we had just enough money to buy a decent used car - Mildred Gertrude aka Sturdy Gertie. Only problem is that Gertie decided to explode on a whim. So now we are back to one car after 3 blissful weeks of being a two car family. But! A precious family at our church has an "extra" car that we have been given access to indefinitely. See? Life knocks us down and then we see God provide in a huge way!!! It's exhausting and exhilarating to walk by faith. I'm learning this. It's tough constantly trusting without knowing the outcome, but because of the One who I trust, it's always rewarding.

I've been reading a book called The Circlemaker. It's a phenomenal book about praying specifically for things and learning how to claim the victory. That sounds a bit "name it and claim it" but it's not! Think of Joshua and Jericho. They followed the Lords command, marched around Jericho and saw God do mighty things through their simple and obedient actions. See if we pray in accordance to Gods will we will see our prayers answered! If we will pray with confidence and boldness knowing the power of the One we serve, we will see God respond in ways we couldn't have foreseen!

So I say all that to say that life is nuts and full of wonderful, frustrating, exhilarating rabbit trails right now and I'm excited about how God is working out life for my little family!


Amy Lou Who said...

I am so excited to see how God is working in your life! He is definitely doing great things, even if it is through rabbit trails!