Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Well I have made it 6 days without touching a soda to my lips and without eating after 8pm. I have done one piece of housework a day since my last post and its helping me not feel quite so overwhelmed! A new recipe is coming for the week...hopefully tomorrow since I need to go grocery shopping for my friend coming in town.

And....drumroll book will be titled "Royalty: A Study for Daughters of the King" It will be more of a curriculum rather than a personal Bible study...perfect for girls and women of all ages. I have already gone through each of these lessons with the girls at Southside and each one was a hit! I'm very excited since speaking to girls and women is a passion of mine. This will be completed by Christmas-time. My dream is to then seek to get it published, but either way, I will successfully have written a book by Christmas!

I'm very excited with my progress so far regarding my mid-year resolutions!

Going to back to my passion for speaking to women, I am so super stoked for August 20th! What is August 20th you ask? August 20th I meet with a lady from the Florida Baptist Association...a lady who holds the position of Director of Women's Missions and Ministries. A lady who wants to speak with me about the potential of possibly being one of their speakers when they get calls for recommendations of people who could speak for various engagments, retreats, etc. I'm thrilled beyond belief and even if nothing comes of it, I'm excited for just the chance to sit and talk with her. So think of me August 20th and if you don't mind, start now praying for our meeting. Thanks!