Monday, February 15, 2010

The day of numbers...

24 - years old now - hello mid-twenties!
1 - year since I moved to Florida
3 - Valentines Days I've spent with Andy
25 - peanut M&M's I've eaten in the last hr
3.2 - miles I'll run in just a couple of weeks at my...
3(rd) - 5k since October
2 - weeks I'm celebrating tonight - so proud of my precious student who's overcoming the strongholds in her life!!!!
3 - books I have floating in my head that I long to get out on paper!
4 - cakes/cupcakes made for me on my birthday!
6 - things checked off my work to-do list
a gazillion - things on my home to-do list
8 - hours my sweet husband has already spent at the hospital today comforting a friend/church member
1 - months until my best friend comes to Tampa for a visit!
6 - windows that need curtains in my home - wish I wasn't so cheap and would just go ahead and buy some!
2 - inches of water still in my fridge because the maintenance at my apartment can't seem to get their act together!
28 - minutes until work is officially over for the day!


Crystal Jones said...

find some flat sheets you like, cut slits in the wide top edge (at each end) and you have a simple window covering till you have time to do something else.
my mom did this all the time when we were kids.