Friday, January 27, 2012


I'm doing the new James study by Beth Moore. Would you allow me to share some quotes and insights from the past week? Hopefully something will bless you like it has me.

"We've been delivered to Jesus." without God in our lives we can forget who we are and feel identified only by what we've been delivered from. We are more than simply being delivered from our past.

John 7:4- Jesus' brothers tell him if he wants to be famous to go into the city and basically show off. Thankfully, "Jesus didn't come to be a public figure, but he came to be a personal savior!"

"the power of the resurrection means that nothing but the tomb is meant to be empty." hallelujah!! Everything we go through in life, and the feelings of emptiness we are subject to as females is intended to be filled by the grace of God!

"Trials don't get to steal from followers of Christ unless we hand over the goods." As life comes at us, we get to choose if we'll be robbed of joy or if we'll instead use the trials to develop us to be full-grown believers.